494 words I think I figured out why MGSV felt empty to me. 450 words FOBs: How in the world do you successfully infiltrate bases setup for non-lethal/long distance (NL/LD)??? 296 words This is bullshit! (Nuke update 10/12) 322 words Kaz, Huey and Ocelot represent Venom's emotions 353 words Create the most ridiculously convoluted plot for a sequel you can come up with (spoilers for everything) 318 words Just logged in to find one FOB invader took 61 of my soldiers and dropped my Security Team from level 82 to 75 824 words So anyone who likes the game and its story is a Kojima fanboy? 269 words Could we make an effort to not put spoilers in comments where they don't belong? 469 words [MGSV Spoilers] I'm really not sure how to say this. 315 words So anyone else think this new " The game was meant to be unfinished so it felt like a Phantom Pain" theory is absurd. 388 words SkullFace has been completely wasted in MGSV [It became a rant halfway through, sorry] 376 words [Major Spoilers]DataMined every mission 285 words Can we talk about how Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a completely unfinished game? [MGSV spoilers] 393 words It has great gameplay, but you cannot deny that it is very repetitive. 307 words Can we reasonably and calmly discuss the idea that, unfortunately, The Phantom Pain is simply not a good game in ways more than just the bad plot? [Potential Spoilers] 321 words **When a petition makes sense** 327 words VENOM CHANNEL (II) 345 words Can you get clothes for quiet? 298 words PLOT DISCUSSION - MISSION 12 COMPLETE 396 words Leak Megathred [Version 4] | Reminder that posting anything vaguely resembling a leak outside of this thread will get you banned until the sub has resumed normal operation.