Can we talk about how Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a completely unfinished game? [MGSV spoilers]

The mods there removed it twice. The first time I have no idea, they never gave a reason.

Looks like they gave you 2 reasons.

  1. Link to original sources and avoid duplicate posts - When a website embeds or copies content (articles, videos, interviews, etc.) from another source without adding significant information we consider that blogspam. If a second source contributes significant and meaningful analysis or commentary on the original post it may be allowable, but wherever possible please try and find the original source (often posted at the bottom of an article) and post that one instead. Reposts or submissions with nearly identical content to an existing submission may be removed at mod discretion.

  2. Use proper format (No Direct image link, unnecessary tags, etc) - Do not add tags to your title, such as "Question:", "[PSA]" or "[Discussion]". Direct links to images and galleries are generally not allowed - if you do want to post images, try a self-post where you give context and information for the images. Self-posts with only a title and no text (or very little text) are not allowed - if your post is so short that you don't need to clarify in the body then you're better off going to google or /r/AskGames. Posts to the home page of sites (rather than to specific articles or content) are not allowed. Keep titles concise and not unnecessarily long - if you feel that a link needs additional information or context you should create a self-post to include the information along with the link. Titles must be in English.

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