169 words Why? Why would you do that? 390 words Just imagine what scandal would have been if they wrote men instead of women 172 words A pure, wholesome, role-model for our daughters... 491 words Cops hold back when it's a female hostage next to the gunman, but fire all rounds when it's an innocent and heroic man next to him 357 words Angry Woman Destroys Beauty Salon With Sledgehammer Because She Allegedly Didn't Like How Her Hair Came Out - The Question becomes when will this behavior become unacceptable? 556 words Flaorida FSU QB is charged with assault and battery for punching a girl who kicked and punched him first even after trying to restrain her raised fist. He has been charged with assault and battery. 319 words Flaorida FSU QB is charged with assault and battery for punching a girl who kicked and punched him first even after trying to restrain her raised fist. He has been charged with assault and battery. 1,059 words Manspreading arrests: the long arm of the law just invaded our personal space 849 words Manspreading arrests: the long arm of the law just invaded our personal space 530 words Woman Tries to Set Man On Fire -- Judge Blames Man for her "Whacky Behavior" and Encourages Marriage 919 words Woman Tries to Set Man On Fire -- Judge Blames Man for her "Whacky Behavior" and Encourages Marriage 344 words Your daily reminder: Yishan Wong personally hired Ellen Pao, stepped down, said she should be CEO, 6 days later she is CEO, just in time for her court case. Ellen Pao is suing for $16 million in a scam that has gone on since 2008, with her "collecting evidence". 609 words Just sort of.. my personal experience.