441 words The sons of Abraham 267 words thoughts on some double standards 1,595 words Muslims here - how can you justify the following of the hadith? Please provide verses to back yourself up from the Quran. 135 words Arianism is a nontrinitarian Christological doctrine which asserts the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was begotten by God the Father at a point in time, a creature distinct from the Father and is therefore subordinate to him, but the Son is also God. 221 words Do really some Christians believe that the earth is 5000 years old? 160 words More churches should be LGBT affirming 137 words The sin of casual sex. 163 words What do you think of Wicca? 227 words Why is it some monotheistic religions like Christianity and Islam condemn the worship of many gods, doing witchcraft, and basically most pagan rituals/beliefs/activities? 135 words Are muslims allowed to hold Jesus higher than Muhammad? 608 words New mods and a new official /r/Religion Discord server! 301 words A Neuroscientist Explores the "Sanskrit Effect,” where memorizing huge ancient religious texts increases the size of brain regions associated with cognitive function. 144 words My girlfriend is forcing me to become Pentecostal 201 words I am an exmuslim ask me anything 260 words Is meditation the best way to survive hell? 109 words We all could be a little nicer to each other 157 words A post I made for r/debateanatheist. 121 words Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral Erupts in Flames. 175 words The Blue Pill is atheism and the Red Pill is Islam 316 words Has anyone been very religious at some point in their life and then changed?