149 words So Long America. It Was a Great Run While it Lasted. 213 words Based Camping Supply Merchant refuses to take down 3200 sq ft US flag... you know what to do! Link in comments 130 words Where's RBG Nancy? 138 words Thank you Jim Jordan for fighting the Democrats’ abuse of power 130 words When did these two cucks join the resistance? They have both turned into diehard Never-trumpers. 526 words Sometimes the problem solves itself. 118 words Trump: ”We do have a military industrial complex.. they do like war” 399 words TRUMP to drop visa lottery program, push merit-based admissions! 116 words If the case for abortion rights is so strong, why is it always cloaked in such euphemisms as "choice" and "women's health?" 102 words Liberal left btfo as CTH gets banned from Reddit 140 words AbOrTiOn iS aBoUt EqUal RigHtS 147 words "There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust." 418 words Whenever I comment, it is automatically at 0 when it posts. What does this accomplish? I have stalkers. 109 words The liberal beast must be fed even if that means eating itself. 211 words my 16 year old niece is dead, initial autopsy report is she was healthy, but chemicals in her system (fentynal laced opiod?) She was Jr ROTC & wanted to be a Doctor - shit just hit home 138 words My mind is definitely made up but feel free to try. The left is shitting themselves. 133 words Denuclearize France ASAP 118 words BREAKING: This Is What President Trump Said To Vladimir Putin 127 words BREAKING NEWS: Pro Maduro forces run over protesters in Caracas, Venezuela with military tanks. 139 words The 14th Amendment doesn't grant birthright citizenship to foreigners and illegals. It never has and it never will.