If the case for abortion rights is so strong, why is it always cloaked in such euphemisms as "choice" and "women's health?"

Calling it "Reproductive Rights" sounds like the goverment is taking away womans rights to have babies when they're simply outlawing crazy bitches from killing their kids like Rabid dogs trying to kill their puppies while still in the womb.

This is how the left normalizes degeneracy.

Don't call it having the right to kill your unborn child, call it "Pro choice"

Don't call it taking peoples ability away to protect and fight back against attacks and the goverment, call it "Gun control"

Don't call it gender dysphoria (a mental illness where the person believes to live in the wrong sex type due to abnormalities and chemical in balances in the brain, call it "A transgender movement"

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - i.redd.it