673 words Travel was the biggest goal in my life. I'm a fairly well traveled guy now, and feel depressed. 1,437 words Whats your best travel story you are willing to share? 336 words Why do I feel unsafe, to travel alone as a female? 297 words Primitive campsites in Denmark 382 words Your favourite southern US state 661 words Trekking in Nepal - Treks Himalaya 1,002 words I'm trying to get ideas together for a Gap Year/Post college trip that fits my goals and mentality and discover more about the world and myself 540 words [Request] Help planning Our first Trip Overseas. 4 of us in mid/late 20's, looking to experience the actual culture as well as Natural Beauty of Countries. Details Inside. 349 words Backpacking Solo across Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australia for ~3 months. Here is my pack (list in comments) 386 words What is the longest you've had to stay on an airport? 958 words What is the longest you've had to stay on an airport? 376 words Traveling to Paris in a few weeks. Girlfriend is scared and wants to cancel the trip. What can I say to convince her it'll be fine? 1,292 words Visiting Montréal, QC; Suggestions? 582 words My photos from 16 days of self-drive safari life in South Africa. Costs and details in comments. 582 words My photos from 16 days of self-drive safari life in South Africa. Costs and details in comments. 444 words If you get the chance to do so on a trip to Japan, try to hike Mount Fuji. Took some pretty sweet pictures there! 372 words I hiked Japan's tallest and most famous peak, Mount Fuji, over a two-day stretch with an overnight at the peak. Here are my favorite pictures from the hike! 309 words Brazil was not what I thought it would be... 377 words Brazil was not what I thought it would be... 653 words Australian Travelling to New York - Where should I go? What should I see?....90s grunge kid at heart...