184 words Australia 1,001 words would a church take you in? 300 words How do you find gig jobs in smaller towns? 270 words Insurance 699 words Tip for travel safety?(especially as a young female) 140 words Hey, what are your experiences wild camping in Europe? 121 words Just hitchhiked for the first time. It’s opened up a whole new world of transportation 291 words So where is Huckstah these days? He did a good job moderating this sub. Now it's mostly low effort posts, trolls, and lurkers down voting the lifestyle. Like I posted "Who is in San Diego?" and it immediately got three down votes, probably from lurker locals in California that hate homeless people. 285 words I [23M] want to hitch across the country from Maine to Los Angeles but am hesitant because I am not white 104 words Someone guy came in my Tent last night and stole my $50.00 powerbank Anker powercore 20,000mAh 141 words How to Recognize Narcissists, Psychopaths and Sociopaths 123 words I made it to Denver! Sorry I haven’t been posting much I’m just soaking up the city. 391 words Why do we run? Is staying still a skill as well? 208 words Lurkers of this page, why are you lurking? 218 words The Old Times are Gone, Hood River, Roll On 471 words Me Again; spouting off about rubbertramp wannabe stuff, this time i actually got a car loan AND burning Man ticket on the same day, will probably puss out and bail 222 words There Are Some Crazy Ass Backpackers Out There... 263 words Settling down in the wilderness 285 words Vagabond philosophy 268 words Do People that Travel by Bicycle have a "Tramp" Moniker