[2015-06-22] Challenge #220 [Easy] Mangling sentences

My solution in Haskell:

import Data.Char

-- Split a sentence into a list of words:
splitSentence           :: String -> [String]
splitSentence s          | (length w) == (length s) = [s]
                         | otherwise                = w : (splitSentence (tail (dropWhile (/= ' ') s)))
                         where                  w   = takeWhile (/= ' ') s 

-- Order a lowercase word
orderWord               :: String -> String
orderWord [x]            = [x]
orderWord w              | any (isAlphaNum) w   = m : (orderWord (l ++ r))
                         | otherwise            = w
                         where m = minimum (filter (isAlphaNum) w)
                               l = (takeWhile (/= m) w)
                               r = tail (dropWhile (/= m) w)

-- Make any characters that are evaluated next to a True upper case
makeUpper               :: String -> [Bool] -> String
makeUpper [] _           = []
makeUpper (x:xs) (b:bs)  | b            = (toUpper x) : (makeUpper xs bs)
                         | otherwise    = x : (makeUpper xs bs)

-- Order all words
orderWords              :: [String] -> [String]
orderWords ss            = map (\(a,b) -> makeUpper a b) m
                         where o = map (\x -> orderWord (map (toLower) x)) ss
                               c = map (\x -> map (isUpper) x) ss
                               m = zip o c

-- Order the sentence by splitting and ordering individual words
orderSentence           :: String -> String
orderSentence            = init . concat . map (++ [' ']) . orderWords . splitSentence

-- Get word from input:
main                    :: IO ()
main                     = do   sentence <- getLine
                                let s = orderSentence sentence
                                putStrLn (show s)
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