Is 3.0 Star Citizen's MVP? And What is an MVP (and perhaps significantly "to whom")?

Why are we engaged in a pointless discussion with CIG supporters allowing them to try and pick apart the statements of CIG employees and allow them to redefine what they said. i am very sure that everything that was said publicly was chosen. There is no ambiguity. 3.0 is the MVP commercial release. They may or may not add more to the game depending on how much more money you give Chris Robbers.

They have a terrible track record for on time completion or completing what they promised to deliver in the particular patch. They have time and again obfuscated any attempt to get a clear picture of the progress of the game or the finances of CIG.

If CIG feels that we are misunderstanding what CIG has said publicly they could easily refute our assertions with a very clear and concise statement telling us that there is no intention to declare the 3.0 patch of Star Citizen to be the MVP, Minimal commercial product release of Star Citizen. They could have easily cleared up and false representations that CIG was in poor financial shape but they refused to do that as well.

When charged with a crime it's often best to get on the stand and deliver the clear evidence that everybody's claims of wrongdoing are complete fabrications and you would be exonerated of all charges. Now this is just an example but Robbers could clear the air easily on all of these matters but chooses not to. I believe that he knows his critics are 100% correct but by maintaining his silence his supporters will continue in their delusional behaviour.

So I know some people will claim that he didn't mean what he said or you are taking it out of context. This is easily cleared up. Get your leader to make a statement to clear it up and end the discussion or shut it. As things stand 3.0 is the MVP release. End of story. There will be continued development of SC all dependant on the continued large donations of the backers. End of story. There is no large reserve of capital. If there were there would have been no need to take multiple loans or put refunds on hold until the citizencon sale replenished the coffers. End of story.

This is a badly mismanaged project led by an incompetent boob who lacks financial constraint has out of date game knowledge and poor management skills. It has survived this long because the backers were foolish enough to keep feeding him cash far exceeding the progress or milestones achieved. A publisher would have never continued releasing funds to Robbers based on the project's progress and this dumpster fire would have ended years ago.

/r/starcitizen_refunds Thread