What's the worst road-rage you've ever seen?

Not a huge deal compared to people that shoot each other of the stuff, but I was involved in a minor one once. I was driving, I got in a wrong lane and tried to merge, got over and a guy pulled up alongside me and yelling. I was having a shit day so I just rolled down my window and said "alright, pull over". He said "ok" and pulled in behind me, and I turned off on a side street.

I got out of my truck and started walking back towards his car. He gets out of his car, and this guy is like the exact clone of Vin Diesel. My internal thought is pretty much "oh shit...well, too late now" so I didn't break stride and just kept walking. We exchanged words and it seemed like we both simultaneously decided that it wasn't worth arguing about. Maybe 2 guys having shitty days crossed paths. Neither of us backed down, but it just cooled off pretty quick with a "watch out next time" sort of thing lol.

/r/AskReddit Thread