3 Days Scavenging After Work To Build a Small Base And Storage... Why Do I Even Bother :/

You frame it as me complaining, I call it feedback, which is exactly the point of this reddit and early access in general. The feedback is not positive, but that doesn't mean it isn't valuable or doesn't make a valid point. Also this took me no time to type, I type at around 100WPM.

Just because the system isn't finished, I am not supposed to point out its flaws?

The general point I was making is that making an entire base from scratch follows no logic when there are buildings already there to be taken over. Do you agree or disagree with that point? Because answering that would've been a constructive way to respond to my post, instead of just saying my opinion is worthless because this is early access.

I am well aware of how early access works. They bring out ideas and they want to see how the community responds. In regards to base building, the response has been that it is 2 easy to get into a players base, and that the system itself is not very useful at the moment.

My addition to that is that base building, as a concept, is illogical in a zombie apocalypse, and would be better suited as advanced barricading, specifically as a lower tier type of base building. I realize that being able to create structures and walls will be good, but I believe it should not be the first step in creating a home. That first step should be taking over an existing building, and doing so should be a very secure way of guarding your items. People would not break down the walls of an existing house to get to your gear (and in this game they technically could not).

Then, only with the proper amount of manpower and supplies, could you start to build fortifications around towns and villages, and be able to create walls from scratch.

That is my feedback. I am not saying it will never be done, I was saying that based on what I've seen so far, I did not believe they were going to go this route, because they had chosen a base build from scratch model over a barricading model.

/r/h1z1 Thread Link - imagizer.imageshack.us