Alī b. Abī Tālib used to say in poetic verse: O Lord, were I to reveal a certain jewel of knowledge I would be told, “You are among those who worship idols” And Muslim men would find it lawful to shed my blood Believing the vile sin they were committing to be a good deed.

Can I say something? I know you get a lot of heat on this sub from people, but in all honesty it's not because you're a convert. Some of the things you've shared, we'd hold someone who was born Muslim to the same standard of criticism we've held you to, if you both have the same body of knowledge and were saying the same things.

I think it's wrong how people have treated you, and I think they've been mean. I think you're tough for weathering through it, and I appreciate that your resolve in our religion is unaffected by the criticisms people put you to.

That being said, I just want to reiterate something someone has said to you in the past, albeit in a friendlier way because I know you mean well. You're discussing topics that people generally don't bring attention to, you know? These are complicated stuff that's really been reserved for conversations among people who have an extensive body of knowledge, regardless of them being born Muslim or a convert. Personally I think you should focus on the little things, and cast your net wider for stuff that's more directly applicable to your life before tackling these big fish ideas.

I'm on the fence tbh about how I view some of the stuff you post, on the one hand it's good that you're sharing what you're exploring and you get outside input...but on the other it can cause problems for people who aren't really ready to hear it. Allah knows best.

/r/islam Thread Parent