So true

Not the dumbass who actually listens to the fake news talking! I’m an immigrant and even I know the shit that the media spouts, my fuxkin relatives in other continents also see how the media is manipulative! Fact check their claims then see how much they lie! They literally teach this in high school! My English teacher taught us to not trust news sources when it comes to politics, and to always use reliable sites for sources of info, keep in mind I’m in California (BLUE STATE), the fact that u don’t know that confirms that you’re either a fuxkin idiot or your school never taught u to try on trustworthy sources, and cry me a river! You libtards have been crying the last 4 years over Trump’s presidency! Y’all have screamed over Russian collusion but NOW y’all wanna act like fraud is never possible, why don’t u go fuxk yourself!

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