[Amazon] The Sisters Of Mercy -Vision Thing Era - $42.31 (NEW LOW)

Dropped to $39ish, 5 left.

For anyone unsure about this purchase and unfamiliar with this era of SOM, it’s the most generally lamented. I like the 2 preceding albums a lot, some of the singles, and was waffling on this so I looked up some reviews:



TLDR the against is a pretty well reasoned critique, the pro is basically “Germans like it, I’m german so I like it”, written by an apparent abuser of women (how is this apparent? His byline):


While I’m sure that there are plenty of non-abusive “vision thing” fans out there, it is kind of telling that this would be the most internet-prominent pro-review (if you give some vision thing tracks a listen, it fits).

/r/VinylDeals Thread Link - amazon.com