What is the angriest you've gotten at a videogame?

Planetside. Circa 2003(ish), I was in 9th grade. I was obsessed with this game. I played it from the time I came home from school until I went to bed. Planetside was life for me at this point. To capture an enemy base you had to steal this golden orb thingy and run it back to your own base. Keep in mind this event was usually the culmination of an hour or so long battle. Whoever was lucky enough to grab the orb (there were dozens of people trying to grab it right when it appeared) generally got a hefty escort of tanks/flying vehicles all the way back to their base, where everyone would watch them deposit the orb into a control panel and win the battle. It was an awesome sight to behold. I should also mention that this was a timed event.

One day after a long battle I got the orb! I was so excited!! I could barely see straight as I drove my vehicle back to the friendly base. I was being escorted by my squadmates and several dozen other vehicles, my adrenaline was through the ROOF. I finally reached home-base and ran up to the control panel.... and realized that I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't know what button to push, there was no prompt, or hint, nothing! I started to freak out, mashing all the buttons I could think of. I toggled the ventrillo button and (half-crying) asked my squadmates what to do. They didn't know. I watched the timer tick down, several players sent me angry messages in all caps, but there was nothing I could do. My brain was boiling. I started shouting into ventrillo "WHAT THE FUCK IT WONT WORK!!" etc. etc. But to no avail... the time ran out. The orb was instantly transported back to the enemy base and the battle was on again. I flipped my shit at this point. Yelled "FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKK" into ventrillo and threw my headphones into the wall. I was hosting our squad's ventrillo server out of my bedroom at this time, so naturally I drop-kicked the ventrillo server and then yanked the power cable.

That was the last time I ever played Planetside. Which is sad because I had become really good friends with all my squadmates over several months of playing. But the shame was too great. However, it actually ended up being a really good change in my life. I was so shell shocked that I gave up gaming for a while. I joined my high school's soccer team, got a bunch of new friends, and met my first serious girlfriend all within a couple months of this happening.

/r/AskReddit Thread