Planetside 2 Charity Event [MILLER]

OK then, here are the updates: The event will be held on 13-14-15 February (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) from 09:00 PM to 00:00 AM CET. The highest participation is expected on Friday, when the final battles and after-math parties are made. Plan of Friday night: 09:00 PM : Assembling at the warpgates and preparing for war. (Continent will be decided soon) 09:20 PM : Swarms of sunderers, ESFs and galaxies leaving warpgates and heading to the center of the map. 09:25 PM : War with no other purpose but cert farming and having the utmost fun. 11:30 PM : The battle ends and there is a five minute break. 11:35 PM : The victorious faction parties hard at its warpgate. There is no reasons for others no to. 00:00 AM : Calls for the next day are made, good nights are said. Plan of Saturday night: 09:00 PM : Assembling at the warpgates and preparing for the greatest harasser race of all times. (Continent will be decided soon) 09:19 PM : Harassers take place to spring from warpgates, heading to the center of the map. 09:20 PM : Every faction starts at the same time, the event will be inspected from the skies, and tries to reach the middle as quickly as possible. Everything is allowed once the race starts, including enemy ESFs to ruthlessly destroy hundreds of harassers. 09:30 PM : The victorious faction is decided upon the time taken to reach a single tree decided beforehand. 09:40 PM : Every faction returns to warpgate and prepares for a flash race. Everybody is required to be infiltrators and wraith cloaking device is appreciated. 09:45 PM : Flashes start to rush towards the center of the map and stop around the point. A major infiltrating action is recorded by ESFs, no shooting allowed. The winning team is decided when they are sure that the other factions are wiped out of the place so they can uncloak and stand freely on the point, all together. However, if some sneaky enemy is left out there, things might turn to be even better. 10:30 PM : Battle ends, victorious faction is congratulated. 10:40 PM : The victorious faction parties hard at its warpgate. There is no reasons for others no to. 11:00 PM : Calls for the next day are made, good nights are said. Plan of Sunday night: This is supposed to be a unforgettable day, so any ideas are appreciated. The plan will be revealed in a week. Thank you.

/r/MillerPlanetside Thread