Any sites where you can earn Iota for free

I mostly complete the offers from ADGATE MEDIA. 90% of them work and reward is always better.

Also, If you have an Iphone or an Android phone, download and open the free apps. You will get many xenocoins with no efforts. Is you are motivated, complete bigger offers like the one for Lord mobile Kingdom. Where you have to attack a level 2 monster. I played a bit everyday and it took me 3 days to complete it. I got all the coins ;)

Also: Most of the sign up offers are scam. For instance the one for harry Potter: Do you play Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery? Sign up with valid information. 800 Xenocoins. If you try it, at the end, to complete the offer, they ask you to complete 3 more offers... And so on. It's not feasible... If it's too good to be true, it's not true.

Although you have sometimes small sign up offers (eXpedia, with a more reasonable reward (60-90 Xenocoin). Those are fine and work well.

One more thing: I tried the CBS all access offer. It worked. If you click on the offer, you can see that you are redirected to CBS website. Seems legit. Although if you check the offer 'MovieFlix' and click on it, you will be redirected to a weird website ( Looks suspicious. A quick search on Google: MovieFlix, and I can not find the website. This look like a scam. Always double check the stuff if you are going with free trials.

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