Anyone read Mark Fisher? (Capitalist Realism: is there no alternative)

As a depressive petty bourgeois type, yeah pretty much.

The white labor aristocracy wants healthcare and college tuition, and yes indeed life is an alienating miserable mess even for the vast majority of these people, myself. We have no control over basically anything that goes on -- not in the workplace, not over our politics, not in the (lack of) communities that we live in. The only power we ever exercise is with the little bit of spending money that we might have sometimes (and over people more oppressed than us)

We are simultaneously in desperate want of revolution, and thoroughly and utterly incapable of making it. Because the reality is that we don't need it. If we can stay afloat amid unemployment and depression, we can parlay the security of our youth, our "education", our white settler rights, and most importantly the property our parents own into a decent-enough existence amidst the trinkets and spoils of imperialism.

The "communist" PB movement that is so prevalent in the US, that arises from people from my class position, does not understand that no one is going to make revolution for healthcare. We are not dispossessed, we are not the proletariat.

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