Are you happy with the direction zombies has been taking since Jason Blundell took over?

I really like the gameplay in black ops 3 compared to the older games. I should mention that I played Black ops 3 Zombies first so I am a newer fan. However I have gone back and played every map from Black ops 2 and Black ops 1 and I have to say the characters writing in Black ops 3 outshines the others massively. In Black ops 1/2 the characters just sounded shitty and the dialogue would keep repeating it felt like there was only 1/2 dialogue options for each thing.It also wasn't funny or even interesting it was just boring.It just might not be my type of humor though.

If you guys liked the first games that's great, however I feel a lot of might be nostalgia for you guys.Map design wise black ops 1 is super basic and I don't see myself playing the maps more than once or twice. Black ops 2 felt a lot like black ops 3 gameplay wise, which I enjoyed a ton I really liked buried and origins.I didn't like the green run crew though.

TL;DR: yea I really enjoy the game with his idea of how it should be. 10/10

/r/CODZombies Thread