Are there any no-FPH users going to voat? or is the site just going to be full of cancer?

raises hand

I've been browsing Reddit since roughly the time Minecraft had its first public release (2010?). I watched it grow from alpha, to beta, to full release, to a mega hit etc. Around the time it was officially brought out of beta my interest in this site had considerably waned, but I still lurked a few subs.

The overall quality of the site has never been high in my opinion, but it's steadily gone downhill.

I've had my eyes open for a similar platform of higher quality. When the gamergate shit went down, I made a voat account.

This entire thing just reinforces that opinion. Not because I care about making fathate posts, but because I care about the core values being undermined here. The blatant hypocrisy of blanket banning any FPH style sub while ignoring coontown and necrophilia subs, the fucking retarded tumblr feel good bullshit creeping in on this site, and the way everyone (both sides) are just acting like fucking children instead of either side showing interest in dialogue.

I rarely post here anymore, even on subs I check out once a day or more. It's just....boring here. Even if I ignore the dumb memes, the childish use of upvotes and downvotes, the censorship and double standards, the front page filtering and other nonsense....when it comes down to it the content is just stale. Even my most frequented subs pretty much boil down to the same questions repeatedly asked over and over. e.g. /r/discgolf hey check out my form / any holes in my bag? / here's a picture of a basket that I aced, please care. Or /r/bicycletouring hey what route should I take? / Hey can I tour on this random bike? / hey what panniers should I buy?

I'm trying out voat hoping it takes the good parts of reddit and grows into something unique. Right now it seems like its largely just a less populated knock-off, but I've got hopes. If not, maybe its time to just say fuck internet forums, a feeling I've had for over two years now.

/r/Voat Thread