Are these artifacts good for him?

It really depends on a few things. what's your adventure rank, for instance? weapon? albedo's level? any constellations? everyone here is right, you could definitely have better artifacts. but depending on all these things, this might be good for where you are at in the game. i would definitely recommend boosting crit rate and crit damage. and personally i enjoy boosting my primary artifact stats as: defense on my hourglass, geo damage on goblet, and crit rate on crown. definitely try to avoid any flat stats (+26 ATK, +191 HP). then again ALL of this depends on what your goal is. are you trying to build albedo with high defense and shield strength? he'd be much more of a support this way. or if he's your main, then you might wanna build him more damage heavy since he'll be on the field more. i'd love to chat more one on one if you ever need more help! :)

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