Are they with you? …. I thought they were with you?

In 1947 they really tried to nail it into the country, and that makes sense because they have influence and support from European countries who have had cemented universal healthcare for very, very long. However, the average Canadian pays 5-10% more in taxes and in countries with universal healthcare such as Canada, gas is always more expensive as it includes tax that goes towards that publicly funded medical care.

The United States is what I have spent the most time relating the concept of universal healthcare to though, you know, because I live here, and with how fast inflation is happening, how hard it is to find jobs with decent benefits anymore, and people getting extremely worked up over $4/gallon gas, I don't see a way to fund universal healthcare coming across successfully anytime soon. And until then, the coming standard of $15 an hour pay can help immensely in paying for medical insurance, which DRASTICALLY lowers medical costs to, often, a very affordable amount

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