[arXiv] Towards implementation of Cellular Automata in Microbial Fuel Cells

Putting aside the authors' contributions, I was tickled by the meta-ness of this entire research program (somewhat beyond typical CA-Life puns).

  1. Cellular automata, Game of Life

    (weak; "cellular" isn't much of a pun here)

  2. Logic gates constructed of microbial fuel cells

    (MFCs produce electricity via microbial metabolism--"life" is thus the motive force in these experimental computational circuit designs)

  3. Using MFCs designed to use waste-water in their reaction, that also purify the waste-water

    (electricity is here a byproduct of the microbes' metabolism of a byproduct of life [waste-water])

  4. MFCs connected (in a "novel" way) such that the units behave like cellular automata, which can thus be used to implement Conway's Life & variants

    (fuel cells, driven by space-and-time-continuous processes of microbial cells, configured to behave like space-and-time-discrete cellular automata... and implement a model whose author saw in it an analogy between computation and actual organic life)

  5. the actual illustration of the concept uses configurations of traditional electrical circuits with analogous behavior (since all that is needed is the behavior to match, and it would be unnecessary to use actual MFCs)

    (cellular automata implementation via MFCs being studied by analogy of the "novel" MFC configuration with a specific "traditional" circuit design having the same essential behavior)

  6. the Game of Life experiment using the MFC-CA-analogous "traditional" circuits is then carried out by computer simulation of the circuit arrangement

    (at this point I feel as dizzy as if I've just donated blood to the Red Cross)

/r/computerscience Thread Link - arxiv.org