Been called in to jury duty. I've made it three years (as a hermit) without getting covid, and would hate for this to now be the reason I get it! Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Best you can do is wear a tight fitted n95 mask..maybe the breathable ones that lets you breath out with that little plastic valve. Might be more comfortable for you even though non of them are very comfortable. You will probably get some looks still but who cares it's your health. That's worst care scenario if your previous attempts couldn't get you out of jury duty. If you did wear that plastic face masks with the 2 plastic n95 filters on it..brought it inside the court house for the sake of it being a little more comfortable to breath with all day..I would guess it would be a big fight in the entrance to the court house but you stick to your guns and to your rights for health sake..and risk it see where it are not doing anything illegal and with over a million people in the US dead from COVID and counting still.. if they don't allow you in court with that mask on...this could possibly be a lawsuit yourself you could push with a decent lawyer who is willing..end if the day it they just then might dismiss you as a jurer from all the drama . Now this is all theory of course ... but if your intentions are real not to get sick and to be in the most comfortable way for hours you seem fit us with those plastic face mask that looks like a gas mask..make sure you can explain that to others really well. If end if the day it doesn't work..then yes eventually go in with a tight fitted n95 mask that has the outward vent so you can at least breath in a little better all day. You should be ok in terms of safety.

/r/ZeroCovidCommunity Thread