Have I been scammed?

u/whatdc is sbdolutely on the money.

X rays aren’t necessarily indicated. See the ACA and other’s guidelines. Often Just a way to run up the bill and sell more care.

  • 3 ttimes a week for 8 weeks?!
  • Continued visit frequency should be based on response to care. Which means projecting out more than 2 weeks is not appropriate. Not saying treatment past 2 weeks is not needed. Am saying further care should be based on current objective and subjective evidence. Not their ability to sell it to you on day one. Or two. Or whatever scheme they cooked up.

  • how are you responding to home exercise prescription and ergonomic recommendations? This is key to lasting improvement and effective treatment plans.

In 30 years I have seen exactly zero patients 3 times a week for 8 weeks.

Just a hunch, if they suggest follow up films, I myself would be making physiologically uncomfortable recomendations to them regarding their x rays.

/r/Chiropractic Thread