Beorning, Warden, Guardian - who can solo the most content?

Heavy armor looks super cool, and this class can be played by dwarves!

You seem to like the dwarven culture/race! And that is ok, because its the best one. :p

  • You wanna a less noisy tank? Play a Guardian
  • You wanna play a dwarf? Play a Guardian
  • You wanna pretend that you´re a wrestler? Play a Dwarf (bare chest)

1º Wardens can cheat 2º Beorings can cheat 3º Guardians can not cheat aka heal whenever we want (no h.o.t) No crits. = no procc = no heal (aoe), single target dps is wiwiwi anyways Honourable Combat ain´t gonna save your butt against a raid boss/roving threat etc..... it takes some balls to master a guardian, mang! ;) If a guardian could self heal at will = 200% op prowess.

Wardens because of that and due a higher dps + among other goodies, can solo anything (pretty much). I had to delete my level 40 as the constant screaming (cries) after every gambit use, was in the long run not gonna do it (if there is an option to mute the combat only of the warden, pls let me know it). Great class!

The Beoring looks like a mixture of a champion (wrath? instead of fervour) and a warden + minstrel. Looks like the most fun out of the 3 classes (on paper) as a i didnt purchase the class and likely never will. The combat "noise" is worse than the screams of the warden. ... do we really need to have an audible feedback for every skill/attack?! umpf argh yooo badabooom piong bachum booof iiiooo

If you wanna do everything a guardian can and self heal whenever you want and do more dmg over time and don´t mind the long ears, play a warden (hobbit one!, don´t wardens have now a skill that let them heal 100% back? their morale).

If you like to play Animal Zoo, one that has only bears to show... well get the Beoring class.

I´m a little bit biased though ... just a little!

/r/lotro Thread