Do you that people who rely on food stamps are lazy? If not, why?

I know this is going to be controversial on Reddit.. and admittedly, I am unfamiliar with the requirements for government subsidies.. that said, personal finance and financial literacy are at last as much to blame for this than wages.

Sure, Walmart should not actively screw over employees regarding benefits, maybe they should pay more considering market analysis’, and of course I’m anti-government subsidies for any corporation (even if it negatively impacts local opportunity, like incentives to bring a flagship/base/or branch of a large corp that would generate job opportunities and revenue for a town). Slash it all in my book.

But again, yes. As a “adult” it’s your responsibility be self sufficient. Maybe you are on them while you work at a crappy Walmart, but like.. what’s the plan bud? That? Forever?

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent