Best class for a retail BM Hunter?

I would say that even though it'll feel a bit different, a hunter is probably for you if you like it.

Hunter in wotlk is even changing a lot from how it's been the last two expansions. I main hunter in tbc questing/raiding and going into wotlk. I never played it seriously in retail. I've played mage, Druid, Paladin, Warrior, priest, shaman, all specs. None of them are at all similar to the mobility and freedom of gameplay that the hunter brings. It feels designed to chew through the world (of warcraft) with reckless abandon. Of course I could also list all the class's faults. All classes are fun for one reason or another, and bad for one reason or another.

BM is still the leveling spec, it just doesn't hold up in endgame dps like the powerhouse it was in TBC. Survival is the new raiding spec, with MM as an option once gear is ToC level (I think that's right).

BM does let you train unique pets though, and gives 4 more pet training points.

/r/wotlk Thread