Brain flip theory By Jack W

Yes and no.

No, the brain normalizes input to match your physical experience with your sense input.

While, in a way, it is true that visual input is “flipped” we can test our own sense perception with our actual experience to verify that what we see is the externally reality and not entirely the fabrication of the mind.

Damage to specific regions of the brain responsible for spacial awareness and shape recognition demonstrates what happens when the brain has lost the ability to normalize parts of our physical experience.

Yes, optical illusions are entirely dependent on the quirks in visual perception and the way in which our brains interpret what we see… Color, shape, depth, size, and any aspect if visual perception can be tricked but for reasons opposite of your supposition… the brain is easily tricked by optical illusions precisely because of the reliability of our visual perception with the outside world.

However, there is nothing to suggest that reality is confined to our sense and modern science is nothing if not a stream if discovery about how little we perceive about reality from the quantum scale to the cosmic scale.

What we perceive is just a slice of what can be perceived and cell phones, wi-fi, remotes for TVs and lights all demonstrate that very clearly.

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