Protip for people who get anxiety / panic attacks

I really appreciate this post, I suffer from almost panic attacks/panic attacks everyday when smoking, I've always been a very anxious kid, probably came from growing up without a dad and then when he returned it being filled with screaming, fighting, and alcoholism everyday for the next 7 years, always a very anti-social kid, really good with computers, not even a bad looking fellow by no means I've had quite the hotties fond of me at times, but always super anxious, I'd get sick to my stomach on the daily and they only discovered a couple years ago that it was from my anxiety I was unaware of what the concept even was growing up that I could have physical stomach pain from thoughts in my head and worries about how I looked and suck even at you know the young age of one in third grade. Anyways, about 9 months ago I decided to take a chance and actually go hang out with this girl that a friend introduced me to due to this big even that occurred and put me in the whole "I need to take a chance state of mind", well we wound up dating, then breaking up where she started taking another dude literally within 30 minutes of our break up, the same guy we got into a fight over about her hanging out with alone for hours at a time when I'd never met him and they were like smoking and such and I don't know man I worry and then that happened, anyways dumb me wound up getting back with her a couple months later like two days after he broke up with her then she wound up drunkenly fucking my somewhat friend more an associate but was that stereotypical stoner douche who cares more about his bromance with his bi brethren then the dozens of girls he pretends to like and care for just to sleep with and then promptly leave for an equally as dumb girl. Anyways my bad for rambling, so I had some recently problems and that girl had got me into smoking, so I kept smoking, and got pretty good at it, a few weeks ago I had been smoking all day out of my Gravity Bong then I decided fuck it let's do 10 of these as a challenge and keep notes, which was fun, and actually kept me awake for quite a bit, I then later remembered that my ex said something to me when we briefly talked sometime after I got really into smoking and it some sarcastic comment like "let me know when you do 10 gravity bong hits in a night" and now I realize I do that everyday, more even, I just do it constantly like some would smoke cigarettes. I've been MAYBE 3 full 24 hours sober in the past 5-6 months, anyways I still panic a lot when smoking, really bad denationalization, psychosisish like symptoms plenty of times. But I don't think I can really quit, money isn't really a concern when it comes to it, like it won't put me on the streets my "addiction" or non-addiction. I just like to smoke pot, it makes me better at what I do, it makes me happier, everything, I haven't really made a full try-hard quit attempt ever, but I still worry a lot, and it's all my life is anymore because I'm always high. Anyways, my little ramble, I'm really sorry, I set-up a new cap and socket bowl for it and it's a lot more air-tight and the hits have been awesome all day paired with this new bud. Love you frients. [8]

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