What is, hands down, the worst idea you've ever had?

Two of my friends and I would sneak up at the top of a nearby golf course all the time and admire the beautiful view it had to offer of our bright city. One summer night we had found the golf courses two wheeled trolleys and started messing around with them. We had thought of this idea where when you attach two of them together you can create a ghetto downhill kart, we thought using their straps together would make them safe...

After we had come up with this great idea we brought them to the top of the golf course and ran some test runs because we're not total idiots... We had found out that turning the front trolley slightly in one direction will make it turn into the other.

Engineers is what we thought of ourselves as, "Damn this is a really good plan, I can't believe nobody has ever thought of this." Well the time had come we decided to take them to the top of the golf course and race downhill like Mario Kart, there was a pavement that led us down to the exit.

On your marks, get set, GO!

With that we had all kicked off into this hellish idea, I was first for most of the run with my friend Josh second and Taylor trailing behind him. I had noticed that there was a sharp turn ahead of us and yelled out as a signal. Josh heard it, Taylor didn't...

Me and Josh had slowed down and proceeded to use our ghetto turning method where as Taylor took this as a chance to take the lead. What he didn't see was the hill in front of him. Keep in mind these things were travelling at upto 30 km/h and a jump at that speed was enough to send him flying and that it what happened.

Taylor went soaring through the sky with two metal rods with no cushioning under him getting at least 4 seconds of airtime. He landed on the ground face first with a nasty scar.

We vowed never to do anything that stupid again, we broke that promise a couple weeks later.

I'll post a picture of the scar if my friend says it's fine.

/r/AskReddit Thread