BU: Pros and Cons

tbh, kinda fucked that the mods deleted my comment in response to you telling me to basically gtfo. I can't even defend myself on a free speech platform? lol.

Sure, maybe my choice of words and content were more convincing and applicable, but you are insulting me. Wtf would any other healthy male do in this situation?

In that comment:

  1. I did not make any threats
  2. I expressed my very VALID reason for defending myself
  3. Pointing out things in your comment which lead me, and quite honestly, probably anyone else who would receive a comment like that, to feel insulted
  4. Stating objective facts that most likely apply to you based on your comment. Those facts may have hurt, but so did your comment to me. Why wasn't yours removed?

I think the main reason it was removed was that it was just too true and applicable. Guess what mods? the truth hurts.

If I were have to sugarcoated it like this kid, would it have gotten removed? A fellow BU student is expressing his want for me to get out, based solely on a mostly humorous and pretty relatable Reddit post. I'm not telling any other students to leave BU b/c of differing views.

I would honestly love a solid explanation.

/r/BostonU Thread Parent