Invites are out! Just got mine!

Crossing my fingers hard for some good news! Although my luck has not been on my side so I am not expecting anything really haha.

For those curious about the random luck I've had the past few days, read below: Still waiting for the codes from BestBuy for the early beta access/BF1 content for BFV for over a month and 17 days for Fallout 76 BETA. Contacted my ISP to fix my plan which I was being overcharged for. Got a new plan which ended up them lying to me about my speeds I would get and now I've gotta go back to them and get it sorted. I managed to split my toe nail in half all the way, had 5 huge slashes across my leg which I do not know how it happened and I was bit and got this weird rash on my hand and arm. I also cut two of my fingers, one on each hand both the type that wouldn't stop bleeding. I also bit my gums, my tongue and my lip at different times (though this happens a lot already so I consider it normal now haha). And a bunch of minor damages I did to myself on top which aren't really anything. And there is probably more but I'm going to try not to think about it instead haha.

So yeah, just want to get that alpha code so the universe can balance my luck but with the way it works, I'm not counting on it. :P

/r/BattlefieldV Thread Link -