[C++] Linux different than Windows?

           void createRecipe(vector<Recipe>& recipe, vector<Ingredient>& ingredients)
                Recipe* newRecipe = new Recipe;
                vector<Ingredient> recipeSpecificIngredients;
                vector<double> percent;
                double percentage;
                char nameOf[80];
                int ingNum, ingCount = 0;
                double amount;
                cout << "Enter the name of the recipe: "; cin.getline(nameOf,80); cout << endl;
                cout << "Pick an ingredient" << endl;
                for(size_t y = 0; y < ingredients.size(); y++)
                    cout << y << ". " << ingredients[y].name << "     $" << ingredients[y].priceML << "     " << ingredients[y].weight << "g/ml" << endl;

                cout << "Enter the number of the ingredient you'd like to add: "; cin >> ingNum; cout << endl;
                cout << "Enter the percentage of this ingredient: "; cin >> percentage; cout << endl;

                int* choice = new int(0);

                cout << "1. Enter another ingredient" << endl
                     << "2. Done with ingredients" << endl;
                cin >> *choice;

                while(*choice == 1)
                    cout << "Enter the number of the ingredient you'd like to add: "; cin >> ingNum; cout << endl;
                    cout << "Enter the percentage of this ingredient: "; cin >> percentage; cout << endl;

                    cout << "1. Enter another ingredient" << endl
                         << "2. Done with ingredients" << endl;
                    cin >> *choice;

                cout << "How much of this Recipe would you like to make: "; cin >> amount; cout << endl;

                for(size_t y = 0; y < recipeSpecificIngredients.size(); y++)
                    newRecipe->ingredients[y] = recipeSpecificIngredients[y];
                    newRecipe->percentIngredient[y] = percent[y];
                    newRecipe->amountML[y] = (percent[y] * amount);
                    newRecipe->pricePer[y] = recipeSpecificIngredients[y].priceML * newRecipe->amountML[y];
                    newRecipe->amountGM[y] = recipeSpecificIngredients[y].weight * newRecipe->amountML[y];

                newRecipe->amountToMake = amount;


            void editIngredient(vector<Ingredient>& ingredient, int ingNum)
                int choice, iChoice;
                Ingredient tempIngredient;
                double  weight,
                char newName[80];

                cout << "Enter your choice to perform the appropriate action" << endl;
                cout << "1. Change an ingredient's name" << endl
                     << "2. Remove ingredient" << endl
                     << "3. Change an ingredient's weight" << endl
                     << "4. change an ingredient's cost" << endl
                     << "5. Return to previous menu" << endl;
                cin >> choice; cout << endl;

                while(choice > 5 || choice < 1)
                    cout << "You've entered an invalid choice, try again." << endl;
                    cin >> choice;

                while(choice != 5)
                    if(choice == 1)
                        cout << "Enter the new name for the ingredient: "; cin.getline(newName, 80); cout << endl;
                        strcpy(ingredient[ingNum].name, newName);

                    if(choice == 2)
                        vector<Ingredient>* swapList = new vector<Ingredient>;
                        for(size_t x = 0; x < sizeof(ingredient); x++)
                            if(x != ingNum)

                        ingredient = *swapList;

                    if(choice == 3)
                        cout << "Enter the new weight: "; cin >> weight; cout << endl;
                        ingredient[ingNum].weight = weight;

                    if(choice == 4)
                        cout << "Enter the amount of liquid purchased: "; cin >> amount; cout << endl;
                        cout << "Enter the cost of the liquid: "; cin >> cost; cout << endl;
                        cout << "The price/ml of the flavoring is: " << (cost/amount) << endl;
                        ingredient[ingNum].priceML = (cost/amount);



            void createIngredient(vector<Ingredient>& ingredient)
                char name[80];
                double priceML, weight, amount, cost;

                cout << "Enter the name of the ingredient: "; cin.getline(name, 80); cout << endl;
                cout << "Enter the amount of liquid purchased: "; cin >> amount; cout << endl;
                cout << "Enter the cost of the liquid purchased: "; cin >> cost; cout << endl;
                cout << "Enter the weight of the flavoring: "; cin >> weight; cout << endl;
                priceML = (cost/amount);

                Ingredient* newIngredient = new Ingredient(name, priceML, weight);



            int recipeSubMenu()
                int thisChoice = 0;


                    cout << "Use the following menu to work with recipes: " << endl
                    << "1. Display all Recipes" << endl
                    << "2. Access Specific Recipe" << endl
                    << "3. Create a New Recipe" << endl
                    << "4. Return to Previous Menu" << endl;

                cin >> thisChoice;

                while (thisChoice > 4 || thisChoice < 1)
                    cout << "You have entered an invalid choice. Please try again: " << endl;
                    cin >> thisChoice;

                return thisChoice;

            int ingredientSubMenu()
                int thisChoice = 0;


                    cout << "Use the following menu to work with ingredients: " << endl
                    << "1. Display all Ingredients" << endl
                    << "2. Access Specific Ingredient" << endl
                    << "3. Add a New Ingredient" << endl
                    << "4. Return to Previous Menu" << endl;

                cin >> thisChoice;

                while (thisChoice > 4 || thisChoice < 1)
                    cout << "You have entered an invalid choice. Please try again: " << endl;
                    cin >> thisChoice;

                return thisChoice;
/r/learnprogramming Thread Parent