Calm down, Greg

Hold up, I gotta go into film nerd mode step in here because I fucking love Superbad this is a super reductive take of the awesome commentary Superbad is giving about teen drinking culture, sex, and masculinity.

Yes, Jonah Hills character wants to get with Emma Stone’s character, so his plan is to get her drunk because he thinks there’s no way she likes him sober (which she does, he’s just not self confident enough to see it). The movie is essentially condemning Jonah Hill’s behavior. He doesn’t get what he wants, he gets rejected.

Michael Cera’s character does not want to get his crush drunk and fuck her, he just wants to admit he likes her and take things slow. But she gets drunk and comes into him because that’s what she’s been taught men like, and torpedos her own chances with Michael Cera.

To say Superbad is about two characters trying to get girls drunk and have sex with them just is disingenuous to the themes of the movie. But I get what you’re saying, on the surface it seems fucked up. Inbetween the lines though I think Superbad has a great take on sex and drinking and how they can be dangerously interlaced for teens.

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