Can Japan actually know I have or see my Roth IRA?

Letting any country’s people in means we let them in with all their language problems, potential illiteracy on the common language of the country, ignorance of the laws of the country, medical problems, as well cultural differences.

If I come from the land of Widgetville, where everyone has diabeties and where if I am dishonored I am supposed to kill myself, and where none of my people speak English, and if the US lets me in, then they take on my problems.

Should I simply die from diabeties in the US because I couldn’t afford medication, the US taxpayers would pay for the disposal of my dead body.

Should I feel dishonored and kill myself in the US, then the same.

And if my culture says I shouldn’t have to pay tax my my country’s retirement account and the US wanted to tax me on it, they should expect that due to my inability to speak the language, cultural difference, and due to my ignorance or non-ignorance, I’m going to find a way to not pay that tax.

They will not only face these problems from me, a man from Widgetville, but from all my country’s people who have diabeties, can easily kill ourselves if dishonored and who refuse to pay tax on our retirements accounts to a foreign government.

The solution: Don’t let us in, change your laws, enforce your tax policies, or turn a blind eye to use.

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