Low Carb & Keto: What about Cholesterol?

A pdf with the transcript and links to sources can be found here:


I quite literally owe this channel my life.
Thank you.

This is not a joke. 2 years ago unknown to me my insulin resistence was at such a state that I could barely stay awake during my class and I was the teacher. The channel introduced me to IF and has gone on to (scientifically) confirm many avenues regarding cholesterol and trigyclerides that I was already exploring.


I had never heard about Eisenhower's heavy smoking history. Kind of an important detail that gets left out when talking about his heart problems.


Im intrigued by the way you collect and present data. Your videos remind me why I study medicine. Thank you so much for your work


Your channel introduced me to the ketogenic diet 6 weeks ago.

I went from 87kg to 79 kg in that time, with no effort - calorie restriction or added exercise.

I struggled from 91kg to 87kg for the better part of a year, being in caloric deficit and tired constantly as a result, cutting out sugar is huge

/r/WayOfTheBern Thread Link - youtube.com