This can’t just be me...

Hey, I fully tasted VR few months ago, borrowed Vive from a friend. Experienced Alyx with teleport moving. That was something, but it was maybe even too much for me getting used to VR. I experienced some stomach feelings when trying to move without teleport.
But after some weeks playing beat saber and finishing Alyx and few games, I moved to Boneworks. Even when I saw the trailer for the first time I was like "this is exactly, exactly what I want".

I absolutely love the moving, have absolutely no motion sickness, can play for hours. The fact you can see your body doesn't make me sick, opposite, so immersive. The gun play is just my childhood dream and holy hell the music is perfect. Enemies, missions, nothing repetitive. I ended up in the half of the game, then I lost tracking of my Vive, which I wasnt able to fix and now I'm waiting for Reverb 2 and also have to pay for the vive, but still worth it. I don't want to sit and play classic games anymore, I wan't to experience it. Boneworks just totally switched me and I can't wait to finish it

/r/boneworks Thread