Chicago 8.08 episode description and promotional photos and 8.09 description and Atwater spoiler

Jesus Christ, enough already.

We get it already, Kevin.

We really do.

How do you destroy cop shows?

Become a Cop show that hates Cops or a Cop show full of self-hating Cops.

We're really drifting in to "Who's side are they on?" territory.

How many more of these episodes have to air before the City and the CPD tell Rick Eid and the entire One Chicago franchise to go to Hell, or at least pull all cooperation, filming locations and location security from Dick Wolf?

Why keep assisting and giving tax breaks to a show based on your police department that clearly has taken a side and openly hates your police department? Seriously. At what point do you as a city just tell them to fuck off?

/r/ChicagoPD Thread