Chrome OS Flex - Linux Not Working

that Linux environment installer troubling you have to use alt control T and create a container named penguin for ubuntu then try the installer again , its been having problems on the dell for me, was able to get it to work finally.
it finally installed debian bulleye on it, took some trying but its working now.
I had created the container first with lxc then try the installer again its buggy but it does work, too bad I can't install chrome flex on my nvidia based laptops. only so far, been able to get it to work on my old intel HD 3d card laptops, and linux only seems to work for the dell, the toshiba I don't think it has the bios settings for emulators, otherwise that one maybe could run it too.

I was able to get that Linux environment installer to finally work to the end where it opens up the terminal with debian bulleye, I turned that on with chrome://flags under crosini settings for it. but I don't think the fix will work forever, if I had to redo this to make it work again. I think I got lucky or google fixed its installer, since lxc commands I couldnt create an debian version on my own with the that alt control t command line. :)

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