Clarity needed on language

in favour of a blanket ban on any discussions of trans topics in the sub.

I think this is a pretty bad idea that would only silence discussion. Just ban all LGBTQ topics while you are at it.

You’re either treated to outright bigotry or people who call everything transphobic to shut discussion down. It goes nowhere so quickly you’d think that was always the destination.

Because people like you often dismiss trans issues because they are a “non-issue” perhaps?

When asked what percentage of people the issue must affect to warrant caring about it, you said: “Why do we care about a non-issue?”

It’s clear from that as well as your support for banning trans topics on the sub that you simply don’t think discussion of those topics are warranted.

Maybe instead of a blanket ban on the sub discussing it… just you don’t participate in/moderate those topics.

/r/MetaAusPol Thread Parent