Cognatic Succession?

I have looked up on the official wiki every single name you mentioned and based my responses to you off of what it told me on the Wiki. Namely that were were no sons therefore it went to the daughter, or that they were already Regent and consolidated their power.

If you want to keep going on about equal recruitment and such I haven't even fought you on that, I'm speaking SOLELY about the title of Emperor/Empress and the lack of women therein.

There ARE references to stereotyping and the treatment of women in the games and I think jumping to 'everything is equal in Tamriel no gender issues here' is just easier than actually sifting through the kind of stuff that the writers would naturally not really want to elaborate on. Even in Skyrim a woman says 'men only care for war and politics and they treat their women like cattle'.

But I sense this discussion is getting contentious so it won't really be productive anymore. Sorry if I made you upset in any way.

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