Dad let me borrow his 15500 for Grad photos

Regardless, I think there are some things that you should know. Generally, it is seen as inappropriate for relatives to let a young person wear a very expensive watch or to buy them their kid own while they are still growing into adults. I’d say that ~25 is more or less the cut-off age-wise and that $500 USD is pushing the limits of what is appropriate cost-wise. I’d say that the 3 the biggest reasons are that generally teenagers can be risky when it comes to entrusting them with big-ticket items such a luxury watch; wearing such expensive items around one’s peers can come off as naïve and somewhat flaunting wealth; and that it’s unlikely that they were able to get that themselves (given point 2). So, as you can imagine, when young people make posts about an expensive watch, they are unfortunately likely to get flak for it.

I think Nico/P&P should make a main video addressing this topic and suggest more age-appropriate watches (maybe more than just Casio). A large portion of his audience are teenagers and so he has a responsibility in the kind of messages he’s intentionally or unintentionally conveying to his audience. There’s nothing wrong with liking expensive things or having an appreciation for the work that goes into making luxury stuff. I think that the such channels should take a timeout every now and then.

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