Daniel Sheehan: 'who is in charge?'

The line that Haim Eshed said which was most laughed at was his claim that "Trump was going to tell everyone but they told him not to, they needed time to make us 'sane and understanding' first."

Just think about that. It feels like soooo many of the rest of these near Disclosures. So many times a person will say "we were about to release some info, or declassify some stuff, or tell people this or that, or were going to go in and review all the files." But they always stop. When they had conviction!

What could stop someone who is determined to share the truth from doing so again and again. Even whole groups of people? Even groups of government people?

Either there is a higher government like Tom claims, the group that constitutes "it is all managed by some other mechanism" or whenever you go to tell the people, the person beside you suddenly proves they are a little more than human and says "please, don't. let me explain."

We don't have many other options left.

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