Hyundai and Kia Will Lose $2 Billion on Fixing Bad Engines This Quarter

Exactly plus you have to consider future looks to the brand future looks to investors and future looks that may or may not hinder any growth due to substantial issues all while having less then 1m sells in any given year while other brands sell several million us sales and have bigger footings and the economic downturn with higher loaning rates which company's get loans different then average people but still have to abide by harsher amounts during bad times just maybe not as hard as we would. They have negative in billions in cash on hand which is bad to. Some people read my post as me saying oh they will go under bad Hyundai but they don't read that I am a fan of Hyundai and want them to succeed. I generally think them people are trolls lol. But its whatever there in all online community's

/r/Hyundai Thread Parent