Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert podcast is going exclusive to Spotify

I did cross the Spotify line and listen to the recent Chappelle episode, though. First one I listened to since the Spotify move.

I usually go wherever to check something out if it makes waves on my Twitter timeline. Elon or Chapelle usually do that, but if its just the daily whatever podcast from Rogan it's now out of site out of mind since it's on Spotify. Same will probably happen with this sadly, I enjoy podcasts but they're expendable entertainment if they aren't just in my easily accessible Apple Podcasts follow list cuz that's all I use since I'm very Apple integrated. I am curious what the cross over rate is tho for Rogan or this or anything that goes exclusive.

Also the fact that podcasts are going exclusive is kind of annoying, it felt like it was supposed to be this great open format form of entertainment and information for people that wasn't beholden to money or platforms outside of some ad drops. I think Spotify already removed some Rogan podcasts after backlash, wonder if this will continue to get worse overtime.

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