An Artificial Intelligence Controlled Totalitarian One-World Government...

The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal by Ayn Rand gives the outline of the proof for individuals to reason and choose what’s necessary to live and pursue happiness.

Rand assumes one's own life as the root of values, but she doesn't prove this is necessarily so. While I agree with her (in short, I want to live, and my actions are based on that premise), I too can't prove this should be true for everyone (I think this is called the is-ought problem).

This paper switches to the survival of mankind as the root of values, and then acts from there. I can't prove that they ought not adopt that is their core value, though I can maybe prove that historically, allowing for individual survival over the group has had more success (at the group level) than systems that prioritize group survival over the individual.

Not sure why you’re bothering to write a rebuttal as I can’t imagine that being persuasive against someone who is so detached from reality.

I'm just hoping to prevent publication. Hopefully nobody will pay any attention to this, but it would be catastrophic if ideas like this caught on.

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