Death Valley, California. Currently 121 Fahrenheit.

XD You called me a pedantic liar first. That's ad hominem too. Suck a dick, hypocrite. You assumed what I typed meant the same as what you originally, and it does not.

I directly called you out for what you typed, hoping to spread information. What you typed was wrong. What you are arguing is wrong and it boils down to this: heat stroke is not dehydration. That is a direct refutal of what you originally typed, whether you want to admit it, or whether you want to keep trolling.

Causes of heat exhaustion include activity in a hot environment that can overwhelm the body's ability to cool itself, causing heat-related symptoms, and living in a hot environment. While it is true that dehydration can attribute to being unable to produce enough sweat to cool off, the actual inability to cool off is what causes heat illness. And sure, that's being pedantic. But these are serious topics and I want people to understand exactly what causes heat illness instead of equating drinking water to heat illness prevention. Which is why I included that link.

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