We decentralized casino on FTM chain. You can be House.

anyone looking to deposit should be made aware of a few things

  1. There is a fee involved with depositing and playing that can be set between 0.001% and 5% at any time

function setHousePoolDepositFeePercent(uint256 _new) external onlyOwner {

require(_new <= 5000000000000000000 && _new >= 1000000000000000, "bet fee percent must be between 0.001% and 5%");

housePoolDepositFeePercent = _new;


// Takes input of Fee Uint Number then divide by 100 as it's percentage, changes the Fee taken from bet for Treasury.

function setBetFeePercent(uint256 _new) external onlyOwner {

require(_new <= 5000000000000000000 && _new >= 1000000000000000, "bet fee percent must be between 0.001% and 5%");

betFeePercent = _new;


2.The owner of the contract can freeze withdraws whenever they would like

function z5_pauseHouseWithdraw() external onlyOwner {

pauseHouseWithdraw = 1;


3.The owner of the contract can remove any dispositor without returning their funds

function removeDepositor(uint256 index) internal {

depositors[index] = depositors[depositors.length - 1];



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